Shahzaib had been announced to be in top position in Mathematics in Cambridge O-level examinations held by The Cambridge University,UK. Shahzaib also achieved regional distinction in O-level for computer studies. His latest achievement is getting the honourable mention in International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2013 held in Colombia, South America, and an honourable mention in the Asia Pacific Mathematics Olympiad.
“Shahzaib is an asset for us and for the nation,” said Shahzaib’s grandfather, Mohammad Moosa Abbasi.
His father like many parents accross the World wanted his son to be a doctor or engineer as they are considered more stable professions.But with the passage of time, Shahzaib's parents understood his passion for Mathematics.
“Shahzaib is not a bookworm. In addition to his studies, he makes time for sports. But when it comes to mathematics, he is crazy about it, so much so that while travelling he keeps a diary and pen ready and keeps solving mathematical problems,” said Shahzaib's father,Zulfiqar.
“Shahzaib always topped in the class since he was in grade three. As a child, he never bothered me with his studies. He seldom seeks help either from his teachers or parents.” revealed the proud mother Qamar-Un-Nisa who herself stood a gold medalist and attained her MSc in Chemistry.
Lastly, Shahzaib states,
“My message to my fellow students and youngsters would be to seek education and keep an eye on their goals,” said Shahzaib
Shahzaib's peers and siblings look up to him for the motivation to strive hard and follow their desires rather than following set standards by the society.
We can all be like him in whatever we do, whatever we are passionate to do.We can succeed and be creative in what we love to do rather than following a career which we follow for money.
Pakistan is full of young talents and so is the whole World.All it takes is a little trust to follow your heart.
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