Well No offence, but throughout these days, I must admit on the strength of IK for being so sustainable and rigid to his cause and standing against the corrupt society for bringing a change for the people.
So, coming back to the topics, On 26th of September, a rare specie had been discovered along the costs in Pakistan's territory.
Scientists claim that the specie of shark that got caught up in the nets off shores, belongs to a specie that was assumed to have got extinct and is no longer existed on this planet Earth.
The shark was firstly thought of to be a Great White Shark but researchers later claimed upon visiting and analyzing the specie that the size of the shark that got caught is far more enormous in size as compared to that of a great white.
The 'extinct' specie of shark was caught up by some fisherman on the following morning when they were opting to get fishes out of their net that they had spread. However, to their utter amazement, the net was heavier than its usual weight that later discovered extinct specie of the shark.
Personally, I feel sharks are majestic mammals that have territorial grace upon which people intrude and fall under the attacks.
Do share on what you think about sharks?
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