Hello lovely readers and I hope you are well. I wish sometimes to comes more often to blog like I used to but you cant have what you wish for every time I guess. Any how, how are you people? Its been a great month I hope so and we are heading to wards the end of this year as well. Time sure flies! My today's post might bring a little controversy but I had this idea triggering in my mind since the last couple of weeks. You might be aware of the fact that on November 5, 2014 or so , a couple got brutally killed or should I say "burned to die". The incident had taken place in Punjab Province where the christian couple was allegedly accused of blasphemous act due to which a huge mob decided to take justice in their own hands and kill the couple brutally. The mob had multiplied its participants after local mosques had put an award to sentence the alleged couple to be killed with US $970. According to the residents and local villagers, the couple was bombarded with hum...
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